A Group of Islam Experts, Raised Their Voices to Say Stop to Political Islam

Saad Rashid
1 min readMay 19, 2021

A group of Islam experts, politicians, sociologists, and theologians raised their voices to say enough to political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. Islamism is increasingly taking root in Europe’s Muslim communities.

Some Islam is mistaking root in European Muslim communities, including Germany. “This is a development that is already testing our society. We must no longer be silent about it,” they said, appealing to the Germans and Europeans.

Religious extremism doesn’t just begin with murder; it thrives in isolated milieus that are closed to our values. A refused handshake for a woman can already be an indication. Missing girls in swimming lessons, disrespect for teachers already in elementary schools or even threats and violence against people of different faiths need other answers than round tables and the burkini as approved school clothes.

We have a responsibility to ensure that all those we entrust with important integration work in schools, society and institutions do not have to fear for life and limb.

The petition asked by the authorities to act as soon as possible to stop this dangerous process, which includes basic academic research on political Islam, including a school study on teachers’ experiences and problems with Islamist influences.

